YourBiology Gut+ is an enhanced probiotic supplement, which is fortified with both probiotic bacteria and also prebiotic fiber to support gut health, all cased in the capsule made up of Marine complex polysaccharides, which protects the constituents from the stomach acid, and thus reaching the colon safely, thereby helps in maintaining a healthy gut.
Table of Contents
BACTERIA!! Huh, the word itself denotes a kind of microorganisms that people have an impression of as unnecessary or harmful to the body. But you should be aware of the fact that all the bacteria out there are not harmful to your body. Some are good bacteria that have beneficial effects on your body. While others are harmful or bad bacteria that get the body system out of balance and increase in amount during an infection causing different kinds of sickness. The beneficial and good bacteria aid in eliminating the extra harmful bacteria and, as a result, help in returning the body balance.
The housing places of these beneficial bacteria in your body are more than one. The most common place where these bacteria are found is in your gut (mainly large intestines). Other than this, the different locations in your body hosting them are the mouth, lungs, skin, urinary tract, and vagina.
These types of microorganisms that have significant health benefits can be present in different kinds of foods like yogurt and other fermented foods, dietary gut health supplements, and also in some beauty products. A survey across the world suggested that nearly about 100 million women around the world suffer from different kinds of gut health issues. Millions and millions of women suffer from different symptoms of gut imbalance daily. These include discomfort after eating, diarrhea, constipation, etc. The complication is furthermore exaggerated by different common digestive issues and the lack of discussion and awareness about gut health. Whereas, we should be open to discussing any gut problem freely.
Nowadays, many supplements are available on the market which help in maintaining proper gut health, in turn strengthening it. YourBiology Gut+ is one such new supplement formulated to nourish the gut microbiota. Before rummaging into further facts, you must be acquainted with two terms that you will encounter a lot across this whole article.
- Probiotics– These are living strains of bacteria that add to the beneficial bacteria population in your digestive system. Probiotics can be taken in the form of foods or supplements which contain living strains of microorganisms, which are said to be helpful in upholding the good gut bacteria in the body.
- Prebiotics– These are specialized planned fibers that act as food for the beneficial bacteria for a healthier gut. These promote growth among the pre-existing essential microbes. The food essential for these microbes is the prebiotics by which these microbes survive and also stay healthy. The human stomach is unable to digest certain types of carbohydrates, and these act as nutrition for the bacteria and go directly to the intestine.
Though it is newly introduced in the market, YourBiology Gut+ is currently owning the leading spot in the probiotic supplement. The uniqueness of the YourBiology Gut+ is that it is a kind of balanced supplement with the perfect blend of live strains of probiotic bacteria and clinically proven prebiotic fiber. This blend improves the survival rate of gut bacteria by a whopping 250 times, whereas in the case of most supplements, the probiotics do not even reach the gut system and the intestinal wall.
What is YourBiology Gut+?
YourBiology Gut+ is the fortunate and perfect combination of probiotics and prebiotics. It helps in improving the general environmental condition of the gut. It contains different strains of healthy gut bacteria. This dietary supplement helps to relieve stress, and also offers immune support, and also helps in allowing for safe and healthy weight loss. YourBiology Gut+ is a probiotic supplement that provides live bacteria to enter your body and reach your gut so that it can help in help in improving and maintaining a healthy gut, which in turn helps to keep your mental and psychological health balanced and normal. It also aids in keeping cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels in check. You have to take 2 pills a day orally in order for it to work perfectly and, in turn, improve gut health.
What are the conditions for a microbe to be called a probiotic?
When a microbe is considered to be a probiotic, it has to fulfill certain characteristics:
- It must have the ability to survive ingestion
- It must have the capacity to isolate from the body
- It should be proved to be beneficial for the body and
- Its consumption should be safe and not involve great effort.
Such microbes mostly live in our systems. They are already found to be present in the gut, mouth, lungs, urinary tract, vagina, and skin.
How does Your Biology Gut+ work?
YourBiology Gut+ works by adding plenty of probiotics or what they’re also called, living and beneficial bacteria present in the gut through ingestion. After ingestion, these probiotics are helped to thrive by prebiotics.
You can claim your gut to be solely yours, but in reality, it is home to millions and trillions of different bacterial cells. They live in the large intestine and help in different functions in keeping your gut healthy. These tiny little guys help in breaking down fibers from the diet and thus transform them into vitamins and short-chained fatty acids. The lack of these microbes in our gut microbiome leads to a condition known as dysbiosis. Other associated side effects include cramps, diarrhea, gas, leaky gut syndrome, and also different other diseases which also affect your mood. The main and primary ingredients of Your Biology Gut+ consist of different kinds of probiotic bacteria, which helps in preventing the before-mentioned disturbing conditions.
- Lactobacillus acidophilus
These microbes are very important for a well-balanced gut microbiome and also for healthy gut health. You may be already familiar with these microbes, as they also go by the common name of Lactic Acid bacteria (LAB). Your relation with these microbes in your body is a mutual one, the one that the world of science considers Symbiotic. They are present in the different cultured dairy products and fermented food and beverages. You might not be very much acquainted with what they are and how they work and helps in keeping your gut healthy.
Lactobacillus acidophilus is a type of microbe (bacteria) that naturally exists in your body, mainly in the intestines and the vagina. It has been used as probiotic/good bacteria. It plays a very essential role in keeping your gut healthy and in its proper functioning. It protects the gut from several pathogenic bacteria, thus preventing many chronic diseases. It also prevents inflammation and is used in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. It is also a very important part of your gut microbiome.- How do these microbes even get to the intestine?
Lactobacillus has been living with you from the start of your life and is continuously performing a variety of different important functions which helps in keeping you healthy throughout your life. When you came out of your mother through her vagina, her internal female parts were thriving with these bacteria and microbes, and as a result of it, they coated you on your way out. During birth, the first major colonization of gut microbiota occurs. Lactobacillus is the most dominant in the vaginal microbiome. Breast milk also paves the way for a fundamental part of an infant’s gut microbiome, as it contains essential nutrients for the growth of bacteria, like the prebiotic human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs).
Human milk oligosaccharides are broken down in the gut to make SCFAs (Short-chain fatty acids), that promote the growth of both Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus. - Lactobacillus and its effects on Gut Health
They adhere to the cells and mucous of the intestinal lining, and thus they are a part of our gut microbiome, and from here, they perform their good functions.
This genus helps in a variety of heath-beneficial functions for the host’s health, and it also promotes the growth of other beneficial bacteria in your microbiome, and as a result, this genus of microbes is a pretty upstanding ecosystem member.
These microbes produce various important substances on a daily basis, including lactate (or lactic acid), and short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). They also produce some antimicrobial substances, which help deter different types of bad opportunistic bacteria, which may disrupt your health and the ecosystem.
The lactate and carbohydrate production helps in keeping the pH of your gut balanced, and as a result, it helps to keep the acidic environment of the gut in a perfectly balanced way, also encouraging different beneficial and commensal (harmless/ beneficial) microbe species and on the other hand deterring the invasion of other harmful bacteria, which may make you sick.
The most abundant SCFA in the large intestine is acetate, which is produced by both Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus. Now the formed acetate feeds the butyrate-producing bacteria, the process known as cross-feeding. Butyrate, another type of SCFA, is essential for the maintenance of your intestinal lining, thus preventing inflammation. - The butyrate that is produced by your gut microbe is essential for a healthy GI tract. 70% of the energy that is being used up by your epithelial cells in your intestine is being provided by the butyrate. Thus, probiotic Lactobacillus not only helps in keeping you healthy but also, on the other hand, enables different other bacterial species to survive in the gut.
- Lactobacillus and its effects on whole body health
Research shows that the Lactobacillus microbes have some kind of beneficial effects on your mental health.
A study conducted on some people for an extent of 30 days led to fewer depressive symptoms and lower psychological stress in those people. More and more research are required in this field to incorporate probiotics as an alternative in the treatment of mental health conditions, but research until now has shown positive and promising results.
Acidophilus may have a hand in preventing the constipation problem.
Results of a study conducted in 2014 were published in the Nutrition Journal, where there were two groups of people, one group who ate just plain regular yogurt and the other group who ate acidophilus fortified yogurt. After a total of 14 days, both groups were observed with improved and enhanced outcomes. While both the groups had shorter transit times i.e., the time required for the food to travel through the stomach and small intestine and finally to the colon, the ones consuming yogurt fortified with Acidophilus showed an even shorter transit time.
Acidophilus functions may go beyond just gastrointestinal health and immune function. It is also effective in the maintenance of proper metabolic health.
The review of different studies conducted, which were published in 2016 in Food and Function, showed awe-inspiring evidence about the fact that the consumption of products containing Acidophilus is responsible for reducing the bad LDL cholesterol and raising the good HDL… It also reduces Blood pressure, in turn thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Acidophilus, when punched with different other probiotics, can also help in preventing and managing diabetes, by improving the blood sugar level significantly.
Side Effects
Acidophilus is generally safe, with mild side effects like stomach upset and gas reported only in some people. Always consult your healthcare provider before taking Acidophilus, if your immune system is weakened, e.g., like, after chemotherapy drugs, etc. And people who are fitted with artificial heart valves should avoid Acidophilus.
- How do these microbes even get to the intestine?
- Bifidobacterium lactis
The name Bifidobacterium is a very common household name in the probiotics industry. However, this one is not that common a name in your daily life, and so we are considering that you have not heard of this one beforehand. So, let’s dive into the different ways in which this one work and benefits your body.
As a human, you already know that your colon (large intestine) is home to trillions of bacteria and microbes, which are beneficial for your body. Bifidobacterium is one of these beneficial microbes living in your colon, performing different functions that are good for your health. They are Y-shaped bacteria.
These microbes help in the breakdown of most of the dietary fibers in your diet, thus converting them into beneficial products important to your health, like vitamins and short-chain fatty acids.
Now the lack of diversity of bacterial types and the lack or too much of a single type of bacteria can cause a condition known as dysbiosis. This means that you have an unbalanced gut microbiome. This leads to different kinds of digestive problems like cramps, gas, and diarrhea. Again, an unbalanced gut ecosystem may lead to chronic low-grade inflammation of the gut lining, which in turn is linked to several diseases outside of the gut. A healthy gut always protects and prevents different infections and chronic diseases such as Diabetes type II, obesity, Crohn’s, and heart disease, furthermore, dysbiosis is linked with several problems like depression, autoimmune diseases, allergies, and Parkinson’s.
Thus, Bifidobacterium lactis is a very important species of bacteria that helps stabilize the gut microbiome. They have a special quality, by virtue of which, Bifidobacterium lactis prevents several other microbes or pathogens from setting up camp in your gut and, in turn, prevents you from becoming ill.- How do these microbes even get to the intestine?
Probably not what you want to think about, but these species of microbes, or ‘good bacteria’ is the first one to be colonized in the intestinal tract of your body, as you pass through the birth canal during your birth. As soon as you are born, these bacteria start building up the foundation of your healthy gut ecosystem. Now, as you were about to come out of her, her vaginal microbiome changed, becoming rich in Bifidobacterium, as when you come out of her, your body would be covered with the vital essential bacteria, needed for your future development.
Researchers called this process bacterial baptism.
Bifidobacterium makes up about 90% of an infant’s gut microbial ecosystem, from birth up to about 3 years old, after which its levels of it decrease rapidly to about 5% of the entire ecosystem. - Bifidobacterium effects on whole-body health (pros and cons)
The presence and the abundance of this are considered as healthy. “Bifidobacterium confers various benefits to the health of the brain, gut, and metabolic and immune system,” as quoted by Dr. Sarah Rahal, MD, board-certified pediatric neurologist, and integrative medicine practitioner.
Immunity- The presence of this bacterium from infancy in the gut complements good gut health, but it also results in preventing different risk factors and health-related conditions later in life. A variety of researchers state that the protection that Bifidobacteria gives is to change and work in helping in the acidification of the intestinal environment and also in specific immune stimulation, all against different early-life diseases by the production of lactate and short-chain fatty acids.
Treating Different Gastrointestinal Infections- The presence of Bifidobacterium in a probiotic helps in the treatment of different infections like that of Clostridium difficile, which can be treated by decreasing diarrhea.
Reducing The Risk of Cancer Relating To The Colon And The Rectum-Bifidobacterium can reduce the chance of repeated cancer in the colon.
Helps In Improving Diarrhea and Constipation- IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) is characterized mainly by discomfort and or pain in the abdomen and is also associated with the changes and or consistency in stool frequency. It may also lead to diarrhea and constipation. The use of Bifidobacterium on IBS patients led to an improvement in their conditions in some clinical control trials.
Prevention of Eczema- Studies performed years after years show that the use of probiotics that contains strains of Bifidobacterium on the mother during the gestation and lactation period and also can prevent eczema in infants and children.
Besides all these, they produce vitamins, organic acids, and short-chain fatty acids. On the other hand; they also help in combating the invaders who may be responsible for making you sick. The vitamins that they produce include Vitamin B to Vitamin K. They also produce acetate and lactate that helps in balancing the pH of the gut, which in turn makes the environment adequately secure for your healthy gut microbiome, but again acidic enough to be able to prevent the entrance of invaders.
Bifidobacterium produces acetate, a short-chain fatty acid that nourishes other bacteria, which produces butyrate, again an SCFA that helps in the strengthening of the gut lining and prevents inflammation.
They also produce antimicrobial chemicals that help in targeting unwanted harmful pathogenic bacteria. As a result, keeping you safe and healthy.
Side Effects
It is generally safe but may cause diarrhea in some kids. People with a weakened immune system may catch some kind of blood infections in them due to the consumption of Bifidobacterium lactis.
- How do these microbes even get to the intestine?
- Lactobacillus plantarum or Lactiplantibacillus plantarum
It is a widespread species of probiotic bacteria. It is a type of probiotic good bacteria that can be found in the mouth and gut. It helps in breaking down food. It also aids in absorbing nutrients, and furthermore, it may also help in fighting harmful organisms which may cause diseases in your body. Specific strains of L. Plantarum are also added to different fermented foods like yogurt, pickles, brined olives, and Korean kimchi and also in probiotic supplements. Now, one thing to be noticed is that this strain of bacteria does not come under the Lactobacillus genus. Lactobacillus genus was divided into 25 different genera in April 2020, and since then, L Plantarum has been named Lactiplantibacillus Plantarum.- It is an antioxidant with antidiabetic, anti-obesity, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory properties.
- It may also be used for eczema, high cholesterol, IBS, and ulcerative colitis (a type of inflammatory bowel disease), and it is also effective in preventing different respiratory tract infections and the common cold.
- Furthermore, it is also used in the treatment of diarrhea, constipation, and many other conditions.
But all of these other uses of L. Plantarum are not supported by much scientific evidence. - Different nutritional benefits of L. Plantarum
L. Plantarum isolated from cow’s raw milk is able to produce vitamins of the B group, like riboflavin (B2) and folate (B9).
The iron absorption from a fruit drink can be increased by L. Plantarum in healthy women by approximately 50%. It can also increase the iron absorption from an oat-based meal in women by over 100%.
Fermented milk with L. Plantarum showed a higher calcium retention uptake.
Clinical trials also show that L. Plantarum may be effective in increasing the skin water content significantly in the face and in the hands, with a quite prominent reduction in the wrinkle depth at about 84 days. Skin gloss is also improved at that same time. The skin elasticity of the group with probiotics showed an improvement of 13.17% in 28 days and 21.73% after 84 days.
Side Effects
Even after consuming large quantities of these, rats showed no type of side effects. However, the use of these bacteria in patients with different types of immunocompromised status, dysfunctional gut barrier mechanisms, and organ failure can lead to infections.
- It is an antioxidant with antidiabetic, anti-obesity, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Lactobacillus paracasei or Lacticaseibacillus paracasei
This type of beneficial probiotic bacteria is found to be present in the mouth. It is also found in dairy and fermented foods. The good bacteria Lactobacillus paracasei can aid in the breaking down of food, absorbing nutrients, and also fight bad organisms which might cause diseases. Some specific strains of Lactobacillus paracasei are added to different kinds of fermented foods like yogurt and are also added to different probiotic supplements.
L. paracasei is used by people in treating different diseases like hay fever, eczema, and the common cold. It may also be used for treating different diseases like asthma, diarrhea, high cholesterol, and many different other conditions. But all of these different other uses of Lactobacillus paracasei are not supported by too many scientific evidence.
Now for a note, never confuse Lactobacillus paracasei with the other probiotics, or with other types of different fermented food products, such as for example fermented milk, yogurt or kefir. They are not the same. Before, L. paracasei was classified under the genus Lactobacillus, but in April 2020, Lactobacillus; was further divided again into 25 different genera. You might come across some products using still its name as Lactobacillus paracasei, but actually, it is Lacticaseibacillus paracasei.
Lactobacillus can be used in treating diarrhea, including infectious types such as rotaviral diarrhea in children and traveler’s diarrhea. Also used in treating diarrhea associated with antibiotics.
It can also treat general digestion problems, IBS, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), colic in children, inflammation of the colon, more than normal bacterial growth in the intestines, constipation, to improve the outcomes after bowel surgery and also to prevent NEC (necrotizing enter colitis) in babies who are prematurely born.
Side Effects
It is safe when it is appropriately taken by mouth. Usually, the side effects are not that harsh. In fact, they are on the mild and mellow side. Side effects often include intestinal gas or bloating. It is also likely safe for women to use inside the vagina. After a digestive surgery, taking L. paracasei may increase the possible chance of an infection. Moreover, people who have a weakened immune system are advised to consult a licensed healthcare professional before taking it. People with short bowel syndrome are more prone to develop a lactobacillus infection, so it is best to avoid them. - Fructooligosaccharides
Probiotics and prebiotics are misunderstood quite often. Probiotics (also known as microbiotics) are supplements or food which contain sources of live and beneficial bacteria; prebiotics, on the other hand, provides nourishment to these beneficial bacteria.
Prebiotics are fibers that the human body is incapable of breaking down. Fructooligosaccharide (FOS) is a prebiotic which is being used in such probiotic supplements.
Fructooligosaccha ride is a form of water-soluble carbohydrate. It is used regularly as a form of alternative sweetener in some food and even in medicine. Plants including onion, asparagus, bananas, leeks, Jerusalem artichoke, and garlic contain it naturally in them. When it is used along with a probiotic formula, it can serve as sustenance for probiotic bacteria. As they are non-digestible, so they have no adverse effects whatsoever on the levels of blood sugar.
FOS is a kind do complex fiber that your body cannot break down, but the bacteria can. As the FOS passes through your intestine, it gets digested by your gut microbes. These microbes or beneficial bacteria can convert these FOS into vitamins and short-chain fatty acids.- Benefits of FOS
It offers the probiotic bacteria a helping hand, helping in their growth, development, and production.
FOS can suppress toxic bacteria named clostridium perfringens. This toxic bacterium associates itself with food poisoning. It can also protect against salmonella and other food-related illness.
It increases the calcium absorption in your body, which in turn helps in the improvement of your bone health. This may aid women who are in their menopause, as during this time, the declining levels of estrogen hormones in your body can increase the potential threat or risk of loss of bone mass density which can again lead to osteoporosis and fracture. - Side effects of FOS
Including FOS in your daily food intake and using probiotics enhanced in them cannot always be beneficial and may have some side effects. Some people may be particularly sensitive to FOS.
Some people experience different abdominal problems like stomach pain or cramps, abdominal bloating, diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal rumbling and noises, loose stools, nausea, and constipation. Some people may again show some kinds of allergic reaction to FOS like swollen, puffy eyes, itchy red eyes, swollen face or mouth, tingling and itching mouth, hives, fainting, or light-headedness. Anaphylaxis, which is a serious allergic reaction, can be fatal. Its signs include difficulty breathing, confusion, blue lips or mouth, light-headedness, throat swelling, or collapse.
Patients with IBS showed both kinds of results when given FOS, one group showed improvement in their condition, while the other group showed worsening of their conditions.
- Benefits of FOS
- MAKtrek marine polysaccharide complex
This is a plant compound that helps in protecting the other ingredients, i.e., the probiotics and the prebiotics, from the enzymes in the stomach and also from the stomach acid. This finally helps to ensure that the important components of Gut+ actually reach the intestine. This is an improved technology, which uses the extract of a particular seaweed (Lessonia migrescens) called complex marine polysaccharides. These are complex carbohydrates that help in protecting the probiotic microbes and bacteria from the stomach acid, and as a result of it, the probiotics can reach the colon safely and alive. This also increases the live percentage of the probiotic bacteria by a whopping 250 times. The MAKTrek 3-D probiotic delivery system has been used in this formula. The 3-Ds of MAKTrek are-- Two-Step Acid Protection– The probiotic bacteria and the prebiotic fibers are enclosed within a capsule that is made from the extracts of brown seaweed (Lessonia migrescens), which are called complex marine polysaccharides. When the ingredients are blended in the required proportion, the final form is enclosed within a capsule. When you take this capsule, it comes in contact with the stomach acid and thus gets dissolved. The complex marine polysaccharides then form another protective grid around the essential components to protect them from stomach acid.
- In-Transit Buffering-This is an essential step, where, we know that all-natural buffering systems help in supporting the digestive environmental condition. The probiotic bacterial cells always support balance, and this whole system is in support of balance.
- Additional Safeguards– The strains which are being used, after a lot of research are equipped naturally with the power to handle the exposure to some common elements of the environment, which makes the survival of these beneficial probiotic bacteria difficult.
This advanced system of the MAKTrek™ 3-D Probiotic Delivery System has been cross-verified and tested multiple times in artificial laboratories using a particular stomach acid simulation. During these tests, the MAKTrek™ 3-D protected probiotic supplement showed an increased and much better survival rate than those which were protected using simple acid protection only.
- Two-Step Acid Protection– The probiotic bacteria and the prebiotic fibers are enclosed within a capsule that is made from the extracts of brown seaweed (Lessonia migrescens), which are called complex marine polysaccharides. When the ingredients are blended in the required proportion, the final form is enclosed within a capsule. When you take this capsule, it comes in contact with the stomach acid and thus gets dissolved. The complex marine polysaccharides then form another protective grid around the essential components to protect them from stomach acid.
Gut+ Benefits and Side Effects
- Benefits
Ordinarily, microbes and bacteria are generally associated with different kinds of diseases, and so the thought of consuming billions of them on a twice-daily basis can leave you in a bit of doubt. But these probiotic bacteria, which dwell in your gut, never make you unwell, but rather help you to stay healthy and aid in digestion, and also keep pathogens away.
Now in the case of Your Biology Gut+,- It contains four clinically proven and premium strains of bacteria that benefit your body the most in all kinds of ways.
- Gut+ claims that its consumption causes an improvement in your overall health.
- With its unique formula that is formed by the blend of probiotics and prebiotics, Gut+ probiotics lead to better absorption and as a result, a better gut.
- Gut+ helps in improving the health of the existing bacteria, and also helps in the breeding of new ones. As the prebiotics in this supplement takes care of the nutrition of the bacteria, serotonin production levels are said to increase which in turn lets you feel better and ready to take on any stressful situation.
- The four live strains of bacteria ensure that the digestion of food is easier and quicker, and it helps in the quicker breakdown of food and also aids in the better absorption of nutrients from the gut itself.
- All of these lead to calmer waste management which helps in keeping your system clean and less susceptible to symptoms like acid reflux and bloating.
- Gut+ has an effect on the management of stress levels too. Researchers showed that the production of neurochemicals that help in the regulation of different physiological processes by the brain is produced by gut bacteria. 95% of the body’s serotonin is produced by gut bacteria. Serotonin is the happy hormone that regulates mood and learning, and in addition to these, it performs different other physiological duties.
- The imbalance between good and bad bacteria can make you exposed to illness. So the bacterial strains in Gut+ help in maintaining the normal and healthy gut flora, which gives an all-natural boost to your immunity. A healthy gut negates the possibility of different issues like IBS, heartburn, diarrhea, bloating etc.
- As YourBiology Gut+ helps in better absorption of nutrients, it helps in curbing the appetite, and as a result, leads to a natural weight loss.
- Regular movement of the bowel also leads to making you feel more motivated and lighter.
- L. paracasei in Gut+ helps in strengthening the gut barriers which directly impact the skin complexion and also its health, as you already know that the more you are protected from the inside, the more you are ready to face any kinds of external threats.
- Gut+ not only helps in smooth and healthy digestion, but it also helps in maintaining good mental health.
- It not only acts as a booster to energy levels but also improves different cognitive functions like memory and learning. Researches also show that the more your gut is healthy, the more you are prepared to combat any kinds of stressful situations externally.
Gut+ claims that with its regular use, you would see and feel results of increased productivity, improved focus, and the absence of feeling overwhelmed.
Side Effects
As the bacterial strains which are present here in the probiotic supplement Gut+, are already present in your body, so this supplement is more or less safe for your body.
In very rare cases, do they set off some kind of allergic reaction and may also cause an upset stomach, gas, or diarrhea. But with regular and continuous use, these effects tend to fade away.
People with weakened immunity are not recommended to use this supplement unless stated otherwise by a healthcare professional.
People who are undergoing chemotherapy, or have been treated recently with it, are advised to use this probiotic supplement with the proper advice of the doctor.
People who are recovering from some kind of serious critical illness or from surgery should avoid this supplement because they have a higher risk of infection due to their weakened immunity.
Is YourBiology Gut Plus right for you? And why should you buy it?
These are some reasons for which you will definitely feel that this is the right product for you.
- Formula– It is a combination of Prebiotics and Probiotics, which helps it in introducing new bacteria in the gut, but also helps in nourishing them.
- Smart delivery to the Colon– With Gut+, the probiotics and the prebiotics, all are delivered directly to the colon, in order for them to perform their work. The use of Marine Complex Polysaccharides which are used to coat the bacteria is a very smart approach.
- Quantity Over Quality– YourBiology Gut+ has incorporated the 4 clinically proven and important bacterial strains in the exact CFU formula to ensure its effectiveness. Each serving of this contains 40 billion CFUs.
- Reviews– Gut+ is praised in and out of the house. Gut+ has been examined by different medical representatives independently, and there isn’t much they have to say against it.
- The Cumulative Effect– It starts showing its work and results as early as 1 week. Bowel movement improvements can be experienced. Again, after about 2 weeks, improved digestion and clearer skin can be observed.
With continuous use over a long period of time, it starts to show its positive impacts on a much larger spectrum, i.e., positive effects like better digestion, weight loss, and improved metabolism, and also combatting brain fog positively.
Did you know?
- It is specially chosen by women but is a gender-neutral probiotic,
- It is recommended especially for women above 50,
- It helps in reducing stress-related diarrhea, it optimizes serotonin production, which helps in controlling the mood swings brought by PMS and menopause
- Helps in keeping the vagina healthy, thus reducing infertility and infections.
Why choose Your Biology Gut+ over other Gut Health Dietary Supplements?
- There are practically many probiotic supplements available on the market, but YourBiology Gut+ has some unique properties which make it stand out among the others. The benefits which you derive from YourBiology Gut+ outweigh the discomforts which are felt at the start of taking supplements formulated for gut health.
- When it is compared to the other different probiotic supplements in the market, Gut+ stands tall among them due to its high CFUs, i.e., colony-forming units. CFU is a unit for measurement in microbiology. In simple Lehmann terms, it means the number of cells which can multiply to form an active, thriving colony.
- In the case of YourBiology Gut+, there are four strains of live bacteria that deliver 40billion CFUs without creating any kind of pressure on the stomach. This makes this supplement ideal for consumption. It is said, that except in case of extreme gastric distress when probiotics are prescribed to toddlers or infants, the higher the CFU, the more effective is the supplement.
- MAKTrek marine polysaccharide complex is a state-of-the-art technology that ensures the much better absorption of these bacteria in your body. This is achieved by a capsule, which does not dissolve when exposed to stomach acid during the digestion process. This is the main and foremost point, where other probiotics fail, as there are no such capsules protecting the probiotic bacteria, so actually, after taking these pills, the probiotics do not even reach the colon.
- Gut+ has a cumulative effect on your body, so the benefits you obtain from this are varied. Use this for about 2 weeks and you will notice improved digestive health, clearer skin, and lesser bloating.
- YourBiology Gut+ is a perfect and significant blend of prebiotics fiber, probiotics bacteria, and digestive enzymes, which means that it is not only enriching and provides nutrition to the existing bacteria in your intestine, but also is helpful in providing nutrition to keep them alive and healthy.
- It is dairy-free, soy-free and gluten-free.
- No refrigeration is needed and it is devoid of any kinds of preservatives.
How To Get Gut+ Supplement?
You can buy it from the Official Website, i.e., GET 1 Month YourBiology Gut+ Supply FREE. Due to the limitation in stock, the site restricts a buyer to buying only 5 bottles per family at a time.
- One bottle worth $59.99 serves as a package of 1 month and can avail of a discount of about $15.
- For a 2-month supply, you need to buy two bottles, which makes the offer price $119.99 and you get an extra month’s supply for free.
- And the 3 months package, you can get it at a discount of $179.99 and get 2 more bottles Free by paying absolutely nothing
*Note: Shipping charges for all packages are free.
Customer Feedback
Mara G., Houston, United States:
“YourBiology Gut+ has worked wonders for my digestion and elimination! I was struggling with bloating and constipation for months, but after just a few weeks of taking this supplement, those problems virtually disappeared. I’m so grateful to have found a natural, effective solution to my digestive issues.”
Yaretzi F., Melbourne, Australia:
“Today’s world is full of processed foods and unhealthy diets. This has taken a toll on our gut health. Poor gut health can lead to a number of problems like indigestion, bloating, and constipation. YourBiology’s Gut+ is a great way to improve your gut health and get your digestive system back on track. The ingredients in Gut+ are all natural and free of adverse effects.”
Raelynn B., Auckland, New Zealand:
“I’m constantly on the go and always under a lot of stress. I was really skeptical about this product, but I’m so glad I gave it a try! It really does help lower my stress levels and keeps me feeling calm throughout the day. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking for a natural way to reduce stress.”
Lucia S., Montreal, Canada:
“I started to use YourBiology Gut+ after experiencing some digestive issues. I noticed a difference in my skin health within a few weeks of taking the product. My skin was less inflamed and breakouts were reduced. I’m so pleased with the results and would recommend this product to anyone struggling with skin issues.”
Amaya P., Soshanguve, Singapore:
“I had been feeling run down for months and decided to give YourBiology Gut+ a try. I’m so glad I did! After just a few weeks of taking it, I noticed a significant increase in my energy levels and overall sense of well-being. I’m now able to better fight off colds and other illnesses.”
Bottom Line
To conclude the discussion, if you are looking for a probiotic remedy with enhanced quality and a better-than-average delivery system, YourBiology’s Gut+ is the one and only product that you are looking for. It contains only the ingredients that are absolutely essential for your gut. Moreover, all the bacterial strains that are in use are clinically proven and important for your body. It is difficult to find a fault with this product.
If YourBiology Gut+ is not what you are looking for then you always have the guaranteed refund, however, this probiotic supplement does seem like a really good way to kick-start your journey for a healthy gut.
Welcome to my website, I am Dr. Brixton Sanchez! I am a GI physiology functional bowel specialist. I help people with disorders of the gastrointestinal system. I specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGIDs). I treat patients with a variety of FGIDs, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and other functional gastrointestinal disorders.
I offer a unique approach to the treatment of FGIDs. I use a combination of medication, diet, natural prebiotic and probiotic supplements, and lifestyle changes to treat my patients. I also offer psychological support to help my patients cope with their symptoms.
If you are suffering from a GI disorder, please feel free to look at my website. I can help you get your life back on track!